Welcome to TCM Baptist Church
Thomas Cooper Memorial (TCM) Baptist Church is a gospel centred, Bible based church, on Lincoln High Street.
We are a community of people, who are followers of Jesus Christ, living in Lincoln and the surrounding area, learning how to bring glory to God.
The main way we do this is by gathering in the church building to hear the Bible being taught, to sing, love God, and love each other. This helps us live our lives in whatever life situation we find ourselves.
We invite you to spend time getting to know us, and would love you to join with us worshipping at TCM. You can be assured of a warm welcome.
Christianity Explored
Join us for seven sessions, where we’ll read Mark’s Gospel to find out more about the life of the person at the heart of the Christian faith – Jesus Christ.
Mondays 19:30 from 26/01/2024
New Songs Playlist
Familiarise yourselves with new songs that the Music Team will be introducing into our Sunday services.
Catch up with our sermon podcast
Greg DeWeese - 4 August 2024
Follow Me
Reading: Matthew 4:18-22