We hope you are blessed by the services and resources provided by TCM.
TCM is a donations-funded ministry. If you would like to stand with us to proclaim the truth about Jesus Christ both here in the UK and abroad please use the details below to donate.
Ways to donate
This is the recommended option, as it incurs no additional charges. A standing order can be set up, or one-off donations made from your bank or building society account directly into TCM’s bank account.
TCM’s bank account details
If you wish to use this option, please contact the admin team or telephone 01522 526149 for details of TCM’s bank account.
Allocating a donation
To allocate a donation to a specific appeal, please include the appropriate code as the Reference (in front of any Gift Aid number allocated by TCM – see below). If no allocation code is included, your donation will be used by TCM at our discretion.
MF – Missions Fund
Gift Aid
If you have completed TCM’s Gift Aid form and been allocated a Gift Aid number by TCM, please enter it (together with any allocation code) as the Reference when setting up your payment details (e.g. GA1234, MFGA1234).
If you haven’t completed TCM’s Gift Aid form but wish to Gift Aid your donation, please see below to obtain further details.
If you are attending a service at TCM, please place your donation in an envelope in the collection bag as it is passed round; otherwise, send your donation to TCM using an appropriate method, marking the envelope for the attention of the Finance Team.
If you have completed TCM’s Gift Aid form and been allocated a Gift Aid number by TCM, please include the Gift Aid number allocated by TCM or your name to enable TCM to reclaim the Gift Aid on your donation.
If you haven’t completed TCM’s Gift Aid form but wish to Gift Aid your donation, please see below to obtain further details.
Make the most of your giving to TCM – Gift Aid it
Providing you pay sufficient income tax, TCM can reclaim from HM Revenue and Customs all the basic rate income tax that you pay on your donations to TCM. Currently, for every £1 you give, TCM can claim at least an additional 25 pence.
Donating by credit card
If you would like some of the tax you have already paid to be reclaimed and used by TCM in God’s service, please complete the Gift Aid details as you make your donation to enable TCM to reclaim the appropriate amount of Gift Aid.
Donating by bank transfer, standing order, direct debit, cheque or cash
If you would like some of the tax you have already paid to be reclaimed and used by TCM in God’s service, please use one of the following options:
- If you have already registered with TCM for Gift Aid, please include your TCM Gift Aid number when making your donation.
- If you have not registered with TCM for Gift Aid, please click here to complete a TCM Gift Aid declaration form online. You need to do this only once. TCM will give you a unique Gift Aid number that you can use to identify all your future donations.
Use this link for more information on Gift Aid.
If you have any queries regarding the operation of the Gift Aid scheme, then please contact the Finance Team.